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The 2nd Armored Division Association2nd Armored Division Association Officers. Chairman of the board: Peter D. Burland, 5822 Warm Springs Rd., Houston, TX 77035-2428., Ph.(713)729-1096 President: Roy G, Ruffner, 441 Fourth St., Wernersville, PA 19565-1716. Ph.(610) 678-7251. Vice-President: L. Lee Frank, 143 Skyline Dr., Akron NY 14001. Ph. (716)542-3700. Secretary-Treasurer: Lewis E. Bogart, 623 Shuttle Hill Rd., Muncy, PA 17756-9701., Ph. (570) 546-9415 Asst. Secy.-Treas.: Donald F. Evans, 330 Menonite Rd., Collegeville, PA 19426. Ph. (610)489-9080. Editor, H.O.W. Bulletin: John P. Malay, 1424 Sampson St., Conway, PA 15027-1133. ( If you have news item for Bulletin send to John ) Chaplain: Samuel B. Scales, 3419 Foster Ln., Reading, PA 19605-1550. Ph. (610)921-2568. Past Chmn./Board: Robert C. Pryor, 8562 Ariel St. Houston, TX. 77074-2807. Ph. (713) 774-6837.& Lawrence Cabot, 26 Gedney Way, Chappaqua, NY. 10514, Ph. (914) 238-5502 Reunion Information: It will be in Buffalo, NY, specifics later. Contact: Mr. Lewis E. Bogart, 623 Shuttle Hill Rd., Muncy, PA. 17756 . Tel. # 1-717-546-9415. For information concerning the Honorary Life Presidents and Board of Governors you may email hswonger@msn,com . Membership You may qualify for Membership: Changes in the membership requirements for the Association: Every current 2nd Armored member can now recruit relatives and immediate family members into the Association. They will have the same voting rights and Association privileges as a former 2nd Armored Division veteran, and hopefully , with their help will keep the Association , the Division?s contribution to history, and its purpose alive for the future generations to appreciate. You will be welcome. Come on in ! Membership and Eligibility Article 3 3.01 (A) Any person who has honorably served in the 2nd Armored Division, to military units assigned or attached thereto, or in support of the Division at any time since its organization, shall be eligible for membership in the Association with full voting rights upon accepting the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the By-laws. Constitution 1 (B) Membership in the 2nd Armored Division Association and its Affiliates shall be extended to:
(2) Members and former honorably discharged members of the Armed Forces of the United States. They shall be designated as members with full voting rights.
(4 Citizens in good standing of the United States and Foreign countries. They shall be designated Associate Members and shall have no voting rights. (C) Membership in the parent Association shall take the form of Full Members, Associate Members, Honorary Members, and organizations that shall be known as Affiliates. The terms ? member ? and ?membership? appearing in this Constitution and By-laws refer to persons and organizations with eligibility as defined in this section. Are you a
Veteran of the 2nd Armored Division? Are you the spouse, child
or friend of a Veteran of the 2nd Armored Division? If you are,
and you possess historical information that concerns the Division,
please contact the site administrator shown below, or a member of the
Association officers. You will receive a Bulletin three times a year. Dues Currently $20.00 Yearly, overseas $30.00 per year. Lifetime Membership as follows: $300.00 to age 60 $200.00 to age 61-70 $100.00 age 71 and over We are listing below the address of the Secretary of the 2nd Armored Division Association. You may send in your application form directly to: Mr. Lewis E. Bogart, 623 Shuttle Hill Rd., Muncy, PA. 17756 . Tel. # 1-717-546-9415. You may click here to go to a blank application form. Disclaimer by Site Administration: Howard Swonger provides this page mostly as a service. Only information that has been properly reviewed and cleared for dissemination will be presented on the 2nd Armored Division web site. We are an independent site, and an official one. We are responsible only for content recognized to be written by us. This is not a production of the United States Government, This page contains all the 2nd Armored Association membership information. Designees who maintain the flow of information to this site, whomever's name appears at the bottom of the page, is ultimately responsible. |